Saturday 21 February 2009

Updated! :)

There once lived a child who was the most peculiar child to have ever been born in a town called Finten. The child, who was a male, was branded as strange even before he began to walk and talk for his physical presence was something rather uncommon. In that small simple town where the most exciting entertainment to occur is a petty shop theft, in which only a small bag of cat's food was stolen (a note of apology was however discovered, addressed to the shop owner, Mr. Windelbudchen), news of an unusual-looking baby was scintillating gossip.

Why exactly was the child so exceptional, you may ask? Well, for one thing, he had the strangest eyes. They were large and almond-shaped, not uncommon and not gossip-worthy. Thick curly lashes framed his eyes, which were of different colours! His left eye was a shade of green that even the city nearby had never seen, a city so big and so famous for its diversity in races and hence, physical attributes. I reckon even you would be astonished to view such a rare colour, for that was the only way the colour could be described as: rare. It looked to be lime green, an appalling colour by all standards. However, when you stare at those eyes, whether quizzically or in wonder, it changes to become a warmer and darker shade of green! That is the totally beguilling part. Of course, the person who views this merely passes this change of colours as a trick of the light. It is unheard of that of chameleon eyes. Besides, isn't that colour the same as the lime green one? Of course, it must be a trick of the light. If they only knew that the light had not factored and that it was not merely an opticial illusion...

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